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Burst of Light


Womxn Illuminated wants to remind fellow womxn of color that it is our place to achieve. We proudly present a handful of womxn whose stories need to be heard.

Spotlight: Testimonials
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Taylor Gibson-Campbell

Taylor is a Political Science major with a double minor in Law, Politics, and Society and French at West Chester University. She is the president of Student Government Association and she aspires to be a staffer for a congressperson and eventually become the Chief of Staff in the White House. Taylor found representation on campus by creating safe spaces for people and acting as a force of positivity. In her spare time Taylor hangs out with friends and binge watches Netflix. Taylor wants to remind womxn of color “DO NOT question your worth because of how you look or what your skin is. YOU MATTER. And never think your goals are too unrealistic YOU CAN DO ANYTHING.”

Spotlight: Testimonials

Yamilet Reyes is a dual Women’s and Gender Studies and  Sociology major at West Chester University. Over her four years at school she participated in a multitude of organizations and university departments. She currently is the President of the Pi chapter of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. and she has also worked and particpated with the e-Center for Trans and Queer Advocacy, the College of Arts and Humanities, the Frederick Douglass Institute, the Latino American Student Organization, the Office of New Student Programs, and The Abbe Society. After graduation Yamilet aspires to obtain a graduate degree and pursue a career in Student Affairs. To find representation on campus, Yamilet goes to spaces that push for adequate and respectful representation. It’s important for her to know where these spaces are and who she can connect with within those spaces. Yamilet advises womxn who may be feeling invisible on campus to “find those spaces” as being at a “predominantly white institution can be disillusioning at times for a womxn of color. Connecting with others who understand how we navigate PWIs can be both helpful and comforting.” She also advises womxn of color create spaces if they do not already exist a sit will benefit you and future students like you. In her off time, Yamilet tries to find a quiet moment to read, nap, catch up with friends, or explore campus for hidden nooks. Yamilet also advises other womxn of color to not be afraid to “speak your truth! Hate and disrespect often comes from a place of ignorance; if something isn’t right, don’t be afraid to speak up.”

Yamilet Reyes

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